Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mobile broadband providers defend speeds

Two mobile broadband providers have defended themselves after a broadband-comparison site accused ISPs of misleading customers over speeds.

A report from Broadband Expert found that most customers were only able to achieve speeds of around a quarter of the maximums stated in ads promoting ISPs.
Vodafone said it did as much as it could to communicate real-world speeds to customers. "We've been careful to communicate what customers will typically experience from mobile broadband. We're in the process of ensuring all our website information is consistent for customers so they can get details on network coverage, wherever they are," a Vodafone spokeswoman told Web User.

Rival ISP 3 conceded that more needed to be done to resolve the discrepancy between the speeds used in advertising and those that could be realistically achieved.

At 3 we have been pushing for clear and realistic messaging in the mobile broadband market. There is still much to Scam targets online Monopoly players
Surfers have been warned to be on their guard against spam emails inviting them to play the online version of the Monopoly board game.

Security firms Websense and McAfee both reported that they had intercepted tens of thousands of the emails.

Anyone responding to the invitation is directed to a fake website where their PC is prompted to download a Trojan.

The malware infects computers in two stages, the second of which consists of a virus that constantly changes its code in order to disguise itself against virus scanners.

"When the Trojan is activated on the victims' computers, it links to another computer and downloads the second stage of the malware, the piece that turns machines Into spam-sending zombies touting Canadian Pharmacy products," said Sam Masiello of McAfee.

The scam has been timed to coincide with the regional qualification rounds for the Monopoly World Championships which will take place in Las Vegas later this year.